How to overcome AI’s biased perceptions of gender
In a world where AI increasingly shapes how we see and represent ourselves, understanding how these systems interpret gender is crucial. Gender is deeply personal and much more than just anatomy, but AI systems often reduce this complexity to simple binary classifications.
To explore this topic, we’re excited to welcome Dr J. Rosenbaum, a Melbourne-based AI artist, researcher and lecturer, who will share key findings and artwork projects from their PhD focused on AI perceptions of gender. J’s research explores how AI interprets and represents gender, challenging the binary frameworks that dominate machine learning to expand them beyond biological essentialism.
In this session, J. will cover:
We’ll also have ample time for Q&A with J. – feel free to send us your questions in advance or bring them to the event.
About the speaker
Dr J. Rosenbaum is a Melbourne-based AI artist and researcher with a PhD from RMIT University focusing on AI Perceptions of Gender. Their work explores posthuman and postgender concepts using classical art combined with new media techniques and programming. A globally recognized speaker on AI in art, J has exhibited worldwide and received multiple accolades, including the Midsumma Australia Post Art Prize and City of Melbourne COVID-19 Arts Grant