Beyond the Binary – Midsumma

There is something delightful about people who are looking through their phones at my figures who are looking at their phones. A beautiful recursion of technology and engagement, a new way of looking at the world. So often we see art and commentary complaining about the pervasiveness of the smart phone without exploring the beautiful […]

The Future of Art – Art+Tech LCA2018

I will be presenting the Opening Keynote at the Art + Tech Miniconf at Linuxconf this year. Based at UTS Sydney this talk will explore the future of Art, Generative Art, Machine Learning, Augmented Reality and the wonderful and creepy things people are making. Most people are aware of the impact machine learning will have […]


A mixed media exploration of Naiads, Dryads and Nereids from Greek and Roman mythology using augmented Reality, 3D modeling and neural networks to create modern interpretations of classical creatures of nature. Using the highly technological with the highly natural invites discussion about how at odds we are to the natural world and how we might […]

The Future of Art – Devoxx UK

Mind the Geek Most people are aware of the impact machine learning will have on jobs, on the future of research and autonomous machines, but few seem to be aware of the future role machine learning could play in the creative arts, in visual art and music. What will art be like when artists and […]


OpenLAB showcases the varied practices and uses of technology in the creative industries, presented by Media Lab Melbourne in partnership with ACMI X. For OpenLAB April Media Lab Melbourne is teaming up with to celebrate Queer creatives! I will be discussing the inspirations and practices behind my work. The successes, the failures and the […]

Voxxed Days Melbourne – The Future of Art

An exploration of digital art looking at the uses of machine learning and how it impacts the future of art. What is art like when artists and musicians work collaboratively with machines? What can we learn from art created using neural networks and what can we create? From the frivolous to the beautiful, what does […]


OpenLAB showcases the varied practices and uses of technology in the creative industries, presented by Media Lab Melbourne in partnership with ACMI X. For OpenLAB April Media Lab Melbourne is teaming up with to celebrate Queer creatives! I will be discussing the inspirations and practices behind my work. The successes, the failures and the […]


A mixed media exploration of Naiads, Dryads and Nereids from Greek and Roman mythology using augmented Reality, 3D modeling and neural networks to create modern interpretations of classical creatures of nature. Using the highly technological with the highly natural invites discussion about how at odds we are to the natural world and how we might […]

PyCon – Creepy, frivolous and beautiful art made with machines

Join me at PyCon in August for a discussion on how artists use python And machine learning to create creepy, frivolous and beautiful art. An exploration of digital art looking at the uses of machine learning and how it impacts the future of art. What can we learn from art created using neural networks and […]