Latest Past Events

LCA2019 – Mixed Reality and Art- the quest for the shiny

For the Art + Tech Miniconf I will be discussing Not getting off track as you explore the latest technologies and my works to date. MIXED REALITY AND ART: THE QUEST FOR THE SHINY Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality are this year’s hottest buzzwords when it comes to art. Are they just gimmicks or is […]

LCA 2019 – AI and AR a match made in heaven

I will discuss my journey to bridge the digital world and the physical world with my Augmented Reality and Artificial Intelligence based artworks and demonstrate artworks made by other artists working in AR and AI while discussing the technologies involved and the impact they will have on development, art and the way we view the […]


Practitioners who engage with post digital aesthetics are concerned with processes in art-making and conceptual frameworks that assume digitality rather than treat it as an exception. Its tools are ubiquitous, situated, embedded with neoslime, embracing material speculation, curious imperfection, mawkish plasticity, rather than a transhuman sterilised alien ideal of perfection. The post digital has been […]