J. Rosenbaum

a photo of the artist next to the wallpaper. they are very short.

AI art projects

Explore thought-provoking AI artworks that delve into the realms of technology and creativity. Take a moment to engage with my work, where each piece tells a story woven with the threads of artificial intelligence and human expression

Area of Practice



I blend technology and creativity to push boundaries. Each project tells a unique story, merging algorithms and AI ethics with artistic expression.


AI Research

Investigating AI’s nuanced understanding of gender, my work challenges binary gender preconceptions, unraveling the complex tapestry of gender representation in artificial intelligence.



As a lecturer in critical AI, I guide students through thought-provoking discussions, fostering a deep understanding of the ethical implications and societal impacts of artificial intelligence.

AI Gender Research

Read my research papers, where I explore the ethical nuances of AI and dissect its perceptions of gender.

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